About Me
Hi, I’m James – and this is my website for all things aquarium and pond!
For years, I’ve been an avid home aquatics enthusiast, experimenting with over 20 diverse setups throughout the past three decades. This journey has provided me with all sorts of great knowledge and insights. I’ve had newts, eels, turtles, koi, frogs, clownfish, clams, corals, catfish, puffers, and more!
Each time I enter a new experience with a tank, fish, or even plant, I take the time to research and make sure I have what it takes to give my new plant or animal friend a good long life. Over the years, I’ve come to realize perhaps it’s time to share what I have learned!
My introductory interest in this hobby started like most people’s: as a child, starting with a betta in a bowl (eek!). However, as time progressed, I’ve had the pleasure of caring for some fish that have thrived for over a decade, teaching me the essentials of maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. I was stunned to learn just how long some fish (like koi) can live for (25-35 years)… and it made me really understand that aquatics is a great hobby, but when you put life of any kind in your hands, you also take on the responsibility of caring for these creatures.
This website is my platform of choice for sharing my experiences and discoveries in this ever-evolving hobby. You’ll find a wealth of information on fish, plants, different water types, and even ethical considerations, ensuring future generations can appreciate the joys of fish keeping.
If this site had a goal, it would be to facilitate a smoother learning experience for newcomers and seasoned hobbyists alike, in freshwater, saltwater, and pond settings. Each area possesses its unique intricacies! So, why not learn from someone who has accumulated years of expertise and wisdom?
If I can help you establish a thriving aquatic environment that allows your fish to live happily and healthily for years to come, I would be so happy.